
Our Locations

We are committed to improving a world where hunger is eradicated. Everyone is given a fair opportunity to live with dignity and respect by taking individual and collective actions to uphold fundamental human rights.

Different city statistics

Our community outreach program has had a tremendous impact on the lives of those in need in our local community. Since launching our program, we've been able to provide meals to over [insert number] homeless individuals, giving them a much-needed boost of nutrition and support. Our volunteers have worked tirelessly to prepare and distribute food, and their efforts have not gone unnoticed. We've received countless thank-you notes and testimonials from those who have received our meals, and it's truly heartwarming to know that we're making a positive difference in our community. We're committed to continuing this program and expanding our reach to help as many people as possible.

Los Angeles:

  • According to the 2021 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, there were 41,290 homeless individuals in Los Angeles County, which is a 12.7% increase from the previous count in 2020. Of those homeless individuals, 26,312 were unsheltered

New York City:

  • The New York City Coalition for the Homeless reported that in 2020, the number of homeless New Yorkers sleeping in municipal shelters each night averaged 53,939, which was an increase of 7.7% from the previous year.
  • Feeding America reported that in 2020, 11.9% of the population in New York City's 5 boroughs were food insecure.


  • The Chicago Coalition for the Homeless reported that in 2020, the number of homeless people in Chicago's public schools reached a record high of 17,894.


  • Feeding South Florida reported that in 2020, 14.8% of the population in Miami-Dade County were food insecure.


  • According to a report by the Seattle Office of Housing, the estimated number of people experiencing homelessness in Seattle alone was 3,751 in 2020.
  • The same report estimated that on any given night, about 1,000 people sleep outside in Seattle.